Becky Lomotey
We were keyed up at the opportunity to speak with Becky Lomotey and her oldest son, Claudio, about the life they have made and the gains from three countries, three children, and three languages. For 16 years, Becky and Claudio have worked together to manage rent, taxes, tuition, and most recently, a mortgage. This life she and Claudio have put together, in the central Massachusetts city of Worcester, reads like an American dream. But in fact, they are still waiting for that call that makes them U.S. Citizens.

Simone Reyes
When we spoke to the “(You’re My) Happy Hour” singer, we thought we would ask about her country music career. Maybe chat a bit about what it’s like being “the boss” to mogul Russell Simmons. Or maybe how many Popular Science magazines her friend MCA had to light on fire in the “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)” video. But it became apparent quickly, that Simone reyes identifies as a vegan and animal rights activist. She found us an hour to talk.

Katerina Phoenix
Katerina’s voice didn’t match her appearance, so she told me she decided to sound “more like a girl” to make the client more comfortable. She said, “But I felt like I lost my ability to write, to be creative, when I changed my voice to be more feminine.” I’m happy to note here that Katerina took her voice back again. She likes the sound of her voice, thank you very much, and she likes herself, thank you very much. What you read next is authentic Katerina. Thank you. Very much.

Marie Romilus
Should physical beauty define me?

Candy O’Terry
Do what scares you

Regan Roderigues
Ageism Sucks

Sally Bacharz
I say “I am sorry” a lot. I have a bit of a strong personality, and sometimes not enough of a filter.