Megan Kubasch
Shedding a skin that no longer fits is scary. Often there is a hesitancy to leave behind something that is familiar; even if it no longer fits. Shedding the skin of who you used to be takes bravery, courage, and strength. My hope is this series brings courage to those who feel the itch to release that which no longer serves them, and that they can step confidently into the person they are becoming.
©2021 Megan Kubasch from her Private Collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection
Kubasch, Megan. "Shed". 2021, photograph. From the artists's private collection